
If you're interested in writing about Raezz, please let us know via twitter or contact us. Feel free to download and use official Raezz logo and images for your articles or blogs.


Background color values

HEX: #263D4E | RGB: 38 61 78 | HSL: 146 88 58

Logo icon fill color

HEX: #EF8823 | RGB: 239 136 35 | HSL: 21 220 137

Logo & icons

All images are in PNG format and assigned alpha channel with transparency except the orginal logo and icons.

Logo (5000px × 5000px)
Raezz LogoLogo with tranparencyLogo darkLogo orangeLogo white

Icon (3000px × 3000px)
Raezz iconIcon with tranparencyIcon darkIcon orangeIcon white

Text (5000px × 2000px)
Raezz textText with tranparencyText darkText orange